The Young Lords fought for a better world.

Today, we’re still fighting.

  • Fight for Health Justice

    The Young Lords drafted the original Patient’s Bill of Rights, which can now be found in hospitals across the country — with many of their original demands watered down or cut out entirely, including: door-to-door preventative medicine programs, free daycare centers in all hospital facilities, and free health care. Learn how you can continue their fight for health justice and free healthcare for all.

  • Invest in Your Community

    From garbage pickup to tuberculosis testing to free breakfast programs, the Young Lords saw what their neighbors needed most and took action to respond. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, mutual aid organizations have popped up all over the country with the same mission: to care for their communities. Find a mutual aid organization near you.

  • Continue Learning

    Takeover came into existence because the director, Emma Francis-Snyder, was a young activist herself who wanted to learn from successful movements in the past. And the Young Lords themselves learned from the Black Panthers and the Puerto Rican student movement. Learn more about the history of the movement, and get inspired with new ideas of what you can do today!